Every Mind Matters


This introductory message has been shared from the Public Health England Campaign Resources centre for professionals in the healthcare sector.

Did you know that one in four people in the UK experienced mental health issues in the last year? This means that most people in England know someone with mental health problems or have personally experienced them. But we don’t need to wait until we are struggling with our mental health; there are lots of things we can do to protect ourselves and prevent problems escalating, just as we do with our physical health.


The new Every Mind Matters encourages adults to be more aware of their mental health and helps them to discover simple steps to look after their mental health and well-being. Every Mind Matters offers a range of useful resources that help spot the signs of common mental health concerns,offers practical self-care tips and guidance and, importantly, explains when to seek further support. It also has a free NHS-approved online tool on the Every Mind Matters website, which helps people build an action plan to deal with stress and anxiety, boost their mood, improve their sleep and help them feel more in control. Every Mind Matters will be promoted at scale with PR, TV and digital advertising and is being promoted by big brands and a coalition of partners through their channels.


How can you help?


Mental health directly affects our overall health and well-being,impacting our quality of life and our ability to work. 

The new Every Mind Matters can help your community to discover simple steps to look after their mental health. And organisations like yours have a crucial role to play to help promote good mental health:


·        You could become an Every Mind Matters ambassador and communicate Every Mind Matters externally. This could include influencing your community to support the Every Mind Matters.


·        You can communicate the importance of good mental health within your organisation and to the general public, signposting people to the Every Mind Matters online tool.


·        And if any of your services fit under the recommended self-care actions, you could use Every Mind Matters to help promote your services. To join a growing movement of organisations committed to taking action to prevent mental health problems,search Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health for All.


Get in touch  for more information.


April 24, 2020

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