Alcohol, Men & Health - The Facts

We all know that alcohol has a massive effect on us, let’s be honest, if it didn’t change how we feel we probably wouldn’t be drinking it!! The glamorous alcohol adverts filled with beautiful people seemingly living their best lives, lead us to believe that the hangover will be worth the amazing time we might have! But what are the long-term effects of our drinking culture and what are the differences for men and women?

Our Drink Less Lead,Laura, looks at some of the differences…

It is suggested that men, on average,will experience more alcohol related harm than women because ultimately, they drink more! A very bold, sweeping statement. So, let’s explore…

· Men are more easily able to dilute alcohol in the body as they have a lower proportion of body fat in comparison to women. Despite consuming the same, alcohol will always be more concentrated in women as they have less body water and more body fat.

· It is also suggested that men are more tolerant to alcohol because they produce more of the enzyme that breaks down alcohol before it reaches the bloodstream.

Two perfectly valid reasons why men may consume more alcohol, they simply don’t feel the effects of it in the same way that women do.
However, despite, feeling more able to tolerate alcohol, alcohol consumption silently continues to negatively impact men’s health.

·  Prolonged, increased, alcohol consumption can have catastrophic effects, not only on men’s physical health but mental health too, with men being more at risk of suicide than women, who consume similar quantities of alcohol.

· Men are typically more likely to engage in binge drinking, and whilst consuming alcohol, studies have shown, they can behave more aggressively. Aggressive behaviour negatively impacts relationships with peers, family members and/or intimate partners, furthermore this could lead to arrests for physical or sexual assaults. Crumbling relationships, deteriorating support networks and arrests that could lead to criminal proceedings and impact employment, could furthermore encourage isolation and a deterioration in overall mental health.

All the above can result in low self-esteem and a lack of feeling that things in their life are worthwhile.
 Alcohol consumption can also affect men in other more physical ways too:

· A reduction in sperm count and quality, caused by a reduction in levels of testosterone.

· Loss of libido and/or sexual dysfunction

· Withering of the testicles (you didn’t sign up for that boys, did you!?)

· Elevated blood pressure – this typically happens at a faster rate than women when consuming alcohol

· A loss of hair on the body

· Increased risk of alcohol related death and or hospitalisations directly or indirectly caused by alcohol consumption – In one study alone it was concluded that men are significantly more likely to be involved in and injured or killed in motor related accidents than women when they drink.

Furthermore, a study in America conducted by the School of Public Health concluded that men who develop a dependency to alcohol are:

·        twice as likely to die of liver cancer.

·        four times more likely to die of mouth, throat, or oesophageal cancer.

·        three times more likely to die of a stroke

·        nine times more likely to die of alcohol-associated heart disease.


These facts are really bleak, they certainly don’t look like the exciting image promised to us in the media, do they? But don’t get too down hearted, though currently our culture is based around evening’s in the pub - things are changing. There are loads of community groups that give you the same connection,banter and fun without the hangover or serious health complications.
One You Lincolnshire has several programmes aimed at helping us get healthy.
· The Drink Less Pathway has several different options to suit your needs,including a free 28 day challenge through One Year No Bear.
· There’s also a great Get Healthy Get Active programme, which has loads of local community groups for you to get involved with.
· The Man V Fat football leagues are fantastic at getting you moving,losing weight and meeting chaps who are also looking to make healthier choices.
If you’re interested in registering for any of these, head to to check out your eligibility.

Laura Bell, Drink Less Lead

March 3, 2020

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