Last week we held the first of our Thrive Tribe Talks, a webinar-based series. This first talk from Thrive Tribes’ very own Clinical Lead, Dr Richard Pile, GP Specialist in Cardiology and Lifestyle Medicine, centred around Lifestyle Medicine in real life consultations: Why and How you should do it.
Though Lifestyle medicine is sometimes thought of as a bit fringe or abstract there is no escaping the huge benefits for the individual when they make healthy lifestyle changes. Dr Pile highlighted the key points that Health Care Professionals can consider when referring into services that support lifestyle medicine, such as ours here at One You Lincolnshire.
Among many points was the fact that a lot of Long-Term Health Conditions and diseases are exacerbated by lifestyle factors and in turn can be improved upon or relieved by changing these. Lifestyle changes can also prevent disease, as well as have an impact on mental health and overall wellbeing.
Lifestyle medicine is also a core component of a patient’s health, this should be essential when treating patients as part of preventative measures. The current model of only responding to disease with “modern medicine” can be ineffectual. Lifestyle medicine can also a way of addressing the cause and not just treating the symptoms
Dr Pile spoke about the amazing influence that a GP can have on their patient and how GP’s are in a unique position to enable change for them. GP’s are trusted to give support and advice as well as medical interventions. By referring patients into lifestyle medicine specialists, like One You Lincolnshire, they are enabling patients to see these changes as health changes, not just cosmetic.
The pillars of wellbeing were also brought into focus;
1. Sleep
2. Movement
3. Nutrition
4. Relaxation
5. Connection
6. Purpose
Identifying these as key areas that we can all work with to achieve better health and wellbeing. These pillars are very much at the heart of our lifestyle medicine pathways; Eat Well, Move More, Drink Less, & Stop Smoking
If you are interested in attending future Thrive Tribe Talks you can sign up with our Referral team by emailing us. You can also hear more from Richard through his blogs
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