Health Coaching

Get 1-to-1 advice from our team of Health Coaches to support you to make changes to your health and wellbeing.

Make changes to your health and wellbeing and become confident you’re doing the best you can to live a healthy life with the help of our Health Coaches. We support over 18’s to look more closely at their habits and lifestyle.

What we offer:

  • Benefit from up to 6 telephone sessions with our trained Health Coaches.

Health Coaches collaborate with you over a 12 week period (4-6 sessions).They help you to identify realistic health goals based on personal priorities and support you to work through any obstacles along the way. They will explore your current routines and habits and help you to develop new, helpful behaviours. This exciting journey aims to build on your confidence and motivation so that you can continue to successfully manage your own health and wellness.

  • A health coach will support you to set realistic, achievable goals throughout your journey.
  • A health coach will provide you with techniques to help boost motivation.
  • Having a health coach along side one of the pathways will help increase your chances of success.

Here are the next steps to your Health Coach journey:

  • One of our friendly team of Health Coaches will be in contact with you to book an appointment.
  • You will receive bespoke support from our experienced team of Health Coaches.
  • Up to 6 telephone sessions over a 12 week period.
  • Resources picked to support you and your journey
  • A referral to our other services if needed.

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  • Lincolnshire residents or those registered with a Lincolnshire GP. PLUS
  • Over 18’s.
  • Those eligible for support on our other pathways, BMI of 30+ OR, undertaking less than 150 minutes of physical activity a week OR smoking Tobacco OR drinking more than 14 units of alcohol (not dependant) 

meet the team

Our fantastic team are here to support you every step of the way - read a little about them here.

How it works


First appointment

We will contact you to arrange a suitable time for your first appointment. During this 30 min appointment you will discuss any concerns you have about quitting, the benefits you are hoping to get from stopping smoking and how the appointments and NRT work.


sending & receiving nrt

Nicotine replacement therapy comes in a variety of forms. The Stop Smoking practitioner will discuss with you the type of NRT which might work best for you. It will be posted to your address.



Your Practitioner will help you plan and prepare for your quit date, taking into account any concerns or barriers you may feel towards quitting.



The course runs for a total of 12 weeks, and you will be able to receive weekly or bi-weekly appointments depending on the level of support you need. These appointments are roughly about 15 minutes in length where the practitioner will review your quit product (e.g. NRT) and discuss any concerns or struggles you might have had that week.



This is a great goal to aim for during Stoptober. Your practitioner will help adjust any NRT requirements you may have at this point.



Congratulations you have reached the end of the course and are a fully fledged non-smoker.



We will keep in touch to offer any further support that you might need through our other pathways. And if a relapse does occur, remember you can always come back and try again.

How it works


Fill in the form to Sign up


We’ll be in touch to help you pick a pathway to suit you and your needs.  


Our Health Coach team will be in touch with your first appointment details.


Our Health Coach will call and you can start taking steps to improve your health!


What our clients say...

The advice and support I have received from both Cameron and David, after being referred to the One You Lincoln service, has been invaluable to me. With their guidance they have helped me on my journey to improve my overall health and fitness. I cannot thank them enough for their friendly approach and their help.


"Thanks for getting me onto a positive pathway to move forward in other ways in my life."

What our clients say...

The advice and support I have received from both Cameron and David, after being referred to the One You Lincoln service, has been invaluable to me. With their guidance they have helped me on my journey to improve my overall health and fitness. I cannot thank them enough for their friendly approach and their help.


got a question?

Visit the MAN v FAT FAQ's section to find out more

ready for a new you?

Sign up and one of our friendly team will be in touch.

sign up!

Sign up and one of our friendly MAN v FAT team will be in touch.