Health Coaching
Behaviour Change
Health Coaching

A Health Coaches' Story

December 29, 2021

We wanted to give you an understanding of how we, as Health Coaches, work with you. So, we have taken a real life case-study so that you can see what we do, and how we might help you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.

"Joe registered with us and at first had a tele-coach appointment. During our first conversation he came across as very low and despondent, he stated that he had just given up really. He was carer to his wife who suffers from Bi-Polar and takes up all his attention and energy. Joe slept extremely poorly, was overweight, unfit and generally struggling with life. We had a long chat regarding options for him to consider and booked him in for a face to face at his local GP Practice.

At our next meeting we identified he was feeling very low/depressed, he was however reluctant to seek help for this stating his wife was depressed so he couldn’t be. We had a long discussion on how common depression was and that there was no issue with him seeking help from his GP etc, in fact he would be better able to support his wife if his own health was good both mental and physical.

I referred him onto Station Sports for exercise on prescription; to Slimming World for his weight; and to his GP for his low mood/sleep issues.

We had an interim telephone call during which the client said he was doing very well, we then booked a further 1-1 at a more local GP Surgery, as this was now a clinic running nearer to the client. The client was so much happier and optimistic, he had now lost over 10kg more than 10% of his starting weight. He was now able to put his shoes on and tie the laces which he hadn’t been able to do for a very long time, he was feeling generally much fitter. He had accessed his GP and was sleeping much better his mood improved greatly.

We spoke of his wife and her problems and they will consider that she may also access our service after her current health issue has passed. We have a face to face booked for a further month to keep on top of progress by which time the client will have finished both his free Exercise on prescription and Slimming World sessions. He would like to continue at the gym after his exercise on prescription sessions end.

I feel that the clients' life and that of his wife are much improved with some very simple interventions and the support from One You Lincolnshire, I doubt without our service this would be the case."

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