We are heading towards the end of summer, but that doesn't mean our adventures in the great outdoors have to stop.

I don't know about you but I love autumn, and I am really keen to make the most of every day that I can get outdoors.
I have recently taken up cycling, and realised I need a cool dry day to properly enjoy it, too hot and I start melting! So though I mourn the holiday heat of the summer I know that I will be able to go out for longer now.
There is something really magical about autumn too - the changing colours, conker fights, piles of leaves, planting next years bulbs and seeing the amazing harvests of the allotments, greenhouses and fields, big jumpers, cosy socks - yeah - it's fair to say I'm a big fan.
Autumn is also a really great time to start an outdoor exercise and activity plan. The weather is cooler for a start meaning you can stay out for longer and don't overheat when working hard. The changing leaves also make for a great back drop to your walk/cycle/run. Also exercising is a brilliant way to stay warmer for longer, so as the colder nights draw in we can keep the heating bills low!
If you are stuck for ideas about what you can do outdoors through the next couple of months, check out our latest blogs. Over August we looked at all the different ways we can spend time being active outdoors, there are loads of ideas here and as we head into autumn they are still achievable - you might just need an extra layer of clothing!
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