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From Slimming World, to the Gym!


June 12, 2024


A journey of Slimming World success, then to the Gym!

How did you hear about One You Lincolnshire?

Through a Slimming World group

Describe your journey with One You Lincolnshire. How did you feel before and how do you feel now after taking part in the programme?

I had lost 5 stone, but was struggling to keep it off, in lock down I had completed couch to 5k and was running 3 times a week and trying online Pilates videos, I’d never set foot in a gym, didn’t think it would be for me, but I knew I needed to find something different as I felt weak and wanted strength back, The 12 weeks for free gave me that chance to find out. I remember being astounded that the scale at the gym saying I was body age 32 when I was actually 46, but also seeing how little muscle I had now I’d lost all the weight and that this was why I was struggling, I started structured weights on the gym machines and progressed upwards, I now feel so much stronger and healthier than I did.

What support did you receive? 

The coaches at the gym are great, they started me off with a plan and adapted this after a few weeks, it got me interested in strength training and I did a lot of u tubing to find my own way, doing what I liked. I tried lots of different things at the gym, things I thought I’d like, if you’d asked me at the start I’d have said swimming and an exercise class, walking into a weights area was daunting, but I tried it and loved it.

What was the hardest part? Any other barriers/challenges?

Building a routine of going consistently, fitting it into a busy schedule, over time it becomes 2nd nature, I always used to say If I was run down I couldn’t exercise, I needed to rest, whereas now, if I feel a bit run down or tired, I feel I need to exercise and this makes me feel better.

Another big barrier for me was seeing the scale go up, I was building muscle and had no fat to lose, so the scale had to go upwards but it took me about a year to adjust to this and see the bigger goal, ultimately I still fit in the same clothes, but that number on the scale was hard to see after years of trying to be as light as possible.

I am a stone heavier than when I started at the gym but my BMI is still in normal range and my body fat percentage has gone down as I built muscle, and my clothes fit better. I can now eat 150 calories more a day, which means I find keeping the weight off so much easier.

What were your goals? 

To get stronger and be able to eat a healthy balanced diet without putting on weight.

What positive changes have you made? 

I now exercise a lot, exercise seems to breed activity and the more I do the better I feel. This feeds into your diet too, as eating junk makes you feel terrible and eating healthily, gives you more energy.  

What has been your biggest achievement?

Last year I ran a half marathon, but I’m most proud of the fact I can pick my 4 year old up and carry her, as 2 years ago it was a struggle to do this, and she was a lot lighter then. I’m 48 now, for me it’s about keeping my strength up for every day activities, so they aren’t a challenge, keeping my mobility, keeping myself healthy and protecting my bones.

Image Credit: Total Shape

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