Real Life
Client Story
Be Smoke Free

David's Story

December 29, 2021

David's journey to Stop Smoking and Drink Less Alcohol

Like many others, during lockdown, David had noticed he was smoking more and that he was drinking more alcohol. The two seemed to go hand in hand. That’s when David decided it was time to sign up for our support. It was time to tackle those pesky habits.  

David got in contact with One You Lincolnshire after hearing about our services through his employer. He self-referred into the Stop Smoking Pathway and whilst receiving support from the programme, and also took up the ultimate Drink Less challenge. David challenged himself to go dry for 28 days with our partners One Year No Beer. Amazingly, David has now been quit smoking for 6 weeks and has been alcohol free for over a month.  

David started tackling his smoking habit first. During the initial consultation with his advisor, David discussed what motivates him, any challenges he could foresee, and behaviours typically associated with smoking. One of the biggest challenges David identified was how to be a non-smoker whilst socialising and attending gatherings. Despite identifying challenges David remained positive about the prospect of being a non-smoker and continued with his quit journey.  

Different methods of how to quit smoking were also discussed. A suitable nicotine replacement product was identified, and this was sent out to David in the post. With there being no time like the present, David got stuck into his quit journey straight away.  

Throughout his quit journey David received weekly telephone appointments with his Stop Smoking Advisor. David found these incredibly helpful. Not only did they keep David focused on his overall quit journey but helped him to realise the achievements he was making daily too.  

During this process David reflected on many other things in his life and identified that drinking alcohol was becoming a habit he disliked. He had learnt to use alcohol for other reasons than enjoyment. Alcohol had almost become a reward at the end of the day. David was aware that he was drinking alcohol on a regular basis and did not want to become reliant on this, making it a permanent fixture to the end of his day.

His Stop Smoking advisor made a referral into One You Lincolnshire’s Drink Less pathway, and after speaking with one of the coaches, David decided to take on the ultimate challenge, to test his relationship with alcohol. As smoking and drinking alcohol typically went hand in hand, David decided to also go dry, taking on our 28 day dry challenge with One Year No Beer.

Again, the prospect of socialising and attending gatherings was throwing up some challenges for David. David was easily able to identify situations where it was previously expected that he would have a drink, such as camping and having BBQ’s with friends. Despite this, David remained determined to take on the challenge and saw this as an opportunity to really evaluate his relationship with alcohol.  

David also has access to The Other Room Virtual Gym as part of the One You Lincolnshire offer.  

When asked to describe his journey with One You Lincolnshire so far, David said ‘it’s been great to keep going and be motivated, it’s like having a supportive and encouraging friend’. When asked specifically about his achievements David stated he was “very content with progress so far.”

Sign up here for free support to Stop Smoking, Drink Less Alcohol, Eat Well, Lose Weight and Move More.

The information and advice within this blog are not intended to replace any medical advice, with all our clients we seek to address their individual needs and circumstances - this includes any adaptations required for long- or short-term health conditions and medications. Please seek medical advice if you have any health conditions before considering a lifestyle change. If you would like to address any of the content of this blog, please email us.

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